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Zamknij Polityka Prywatno¶ci
Strona archiwalna - repozytorium informacji. Aktualne informacje znajdziesz pod adresem


The following documents should be submitted to the Division of  Doctoral  Studies for International Students (DDSIS):

  1. Biography in the form of CV.
  2. MD or MSc diploma  (for graduates from Polish universities)   - original and certified copy  of or certification about studies completion and the predicted date of  master thesis defense
  3. MD or MSc diploma  (for graduates from foreign universities)   - original and certified copy (apostille) certified by local Ministry of Education or respective local authorities. ( )
  4. Students book transcript 
  5. Publications and other science achievements list .
  6. Certificate confirming English language skills
  7. Certificate confirming Polish language skills (for candidates on doctoral studies in clinical disciplines, where contact with patient is essential).
  8. Medical certificate of health from Polish occupational medicine specialist
  9. 4 passport photos.

All documents written in languages other than Polish or English must be translated into Polish by a certified translator prior to submission.

You may submit the above documents electronically (all major file formats are accepted).
In addition to electronic submission you are obliged to send all documents  by mail or to deliver them personally to  Office.

We appreciate  your interest in the PhD Program and look forward to receiving
your application.

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