Degree Requirements - The standard time for program completion is four years. Since the goal of the Program is to train scholars for careers in research and teaching, the faculty has established requirements to ensure that candidates are thoroughly prepared to meet the highest standards of scholarship. During the Ph.D. training, each student should complete the coursework specified in the General Program Requirements as well as the program of chosen field of research. Fulfillment of the General Program Requirement indicates a student has acquired broad knowledge in the basic disciplines relating to the study of management. Individual fields' course requirements have been designed by field faculty to provide a student with an in-depth mastery of the biomedical research. After completing these requirements, student should start to prepare his/her PhD thesis (written dissertation) in English (or in Polish, depending on language skills). The thesis will have to be initially evaluated and accepted by respective Faculty Board at Medical University of Lodz. The Faculty Board will choose thesis peer-reviewers from well-known experts in the field. Upon obtaining positive reports from reviewers Faculty Board will accept the thesis and allow the candidate to defend it during public oral examination containing also thesis presentation. When candidate successfully pass this procedure members of the Faculty Board will grant her or him the PhD degree and the diploma in a respective science field.
Field Examination - The curriculum of PhD studies requires 176 hours of mandatory training. Credits according to ECTS will be awarded upon completing each class and passing final examination. PhD exams on the basic discipline (connected to area of candidate's research), ethics, philosophy or history of medicine or pharmacy and of foreign language are have to be successfully completed before appropriate Committee appointed by the management board of the Dean of Faculty. A successful performance on the examination assures the faculty that the student has obtained a balanced knowledge of the variety of research approaches relevant to the field and is well prepared to realize an the individual research.
Research Activities - An essential part of the student's doctoral education is thorough training in conducting research. This is achieved by means: research apprenticeships and active participation in doctoral seminars. Research work in the area of candidate's interest is a key element of preparing the young investigator for the career both in academia and in industry. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention on laboratory and clinical training from the very beginning of the doctoral program. A second important method for students to broad their research skills is participation in doctoral seminars and research colloquia. Faculty members and doctoral students jointly conduct these sessions, which consist of the exchange of research ideas and progress reports. The sessions provide students with knowledge of advanced methodology and practical input from their peers and faculty. However, the essential part of the PhD study is to accomplish an independent, at least partially self-created research projects.
Dissertation - The research process leads to a publication in peer-review journals and to the dissertation (PhD thesis). Therefore, the original research results should be of publishable quality and present a significant contribution to the scholarly field. The dissertation is an evidence of the candidate's proficiency and future potential. in research. Throughout the Program, the student's personal initiative is a primary determinant of his or her progress in research. Working relationships with one or more faculty members depend upon the mutual interests that arise, in part, from the student's active participation and enthusiasm.