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Zamknij Polityka Prywatno¶ci
Strona archiwalna - repozytorium informacji. Aktualne informacje znajdziesz pod adresem


Name:                                    Malgorzata Czyz, Prof., PhD
Title:                                       professor
Department:                          Molecular Biology of Cancer
Address:                                6/8 Mazowiecka Street
Office telephone:                  +48-426784277

Areas of research interests comprise the field of gene regulation on transcriptional level (Nucleic Acids Res 1993; J Biol Chem 1995; Eur J Biochem 1999; Blood 2004), DNA-drug interactions (Z. Naturforsch 2001; Curr Med Chem 2003; Biochem Pharmacol 2005), and induction of differentiation and apoptosis in cancer cells (Eur J Pharmacol 2004; ABP 2007; Biochem Pharmacol 2005, 2007, 2008; J Inorganic Biochem  2008; Cancer Chemother & Pharmacol 2008; Eur J Pharmacol 2008; Br J Pharmacol 2009; Melanoma Res 2009).

Recent papers:

Lesiak K, Koprowska K, Zalesna I, Nejc D, Düchler M, Czyz M: Parthenolide, a sesquiterpene lactone from the medical herb Feverfew, shows anti-cancer activity against human melanoma cells in vitro. Melanoma Research, in press

Sztiller-Sikorska M., Jakubowska J., Wozniak M., Stasiak M., Czyz M.: A non-apoptotic function of caspase-3 in pharmacologically induced differentiation of K562 cells (2009) British Journal of Pharmacology; 157: 1451-1462

Czyz M, Jakubowska J & Sztiller-Sikorska M.: STI571/doxorubicin concentration-dependent switch for diverse caspase actions in CML cell line K562" (2008) Biochemical Pharmacology, 75:1761-1773

Szulawska A., Arkusinska J., Czyz M.: Accumulation of y-globin mRNA and induction of irreversible erythroid differentiation after treatment of CML cell line K562 with new doxorubicin derivatives (2007) Biochemical Pharmacology; 73,175-184

Sources of founding:                       national
Number of PhD positions available:  1
Clinical PhD  positions available:      no

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