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Zamknij Polityka Prywatno¶ci
Strona archiwalna - repozytorium informacji. Aktualne informacje znajdziesz pod adresem



Przemyslaw KARDAS


Assoc. Prof.,  MD, PhD


First Department of Family Medicine


60, Narutowicza St.


Office telephone:

(+48 42) 678 72 10



Areas of research interests:                                                 patient compliance, management of chronic conditions

Recent papers:

1. Macaulay M, van den Heuvel E, Jowitt F, Clarke-O'Neill S, Kardas P, Blijham N, Leander H, Xu Y, Fader M, Cottenden A. A noninvasive continence management system: development and evaluation of a novel toileting device for women. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2007 Nov-Dec;34(6):641-8.

2. Kardas P, Pechere JC, Hughes DA, Cornaglia G. A global survey of antibiotic leftovers in the outpatient setting. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2007 Dec;30(6):530-6.

3: Kardas P. Compliance, clinical outcome, and quality of life of patients with stable angina pectoris receiving once-daily betaxolol versus twice daily metoprolol: a randomized controlled trial. Vasc Health Risk Manag.2007;3(2):235-42.

4: Kardas P. Comparison of patient compliance with once-daily and twice-daily antibiotic regimens in respiratory tract infections: results of a randomized trial. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2007 Mar;59(3):531-6.

Sources of founding: research grants

Number of PhD positions available:              1

Clinical PhD positions available [yes/now]:   no

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