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Zamknij Polityka Prywatno¶ci
Strona archiwalna - repozytorium informacji. Aktualne informacje znajdziesz pod adresem

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In the case of the graduate of a Polish higher education institution: an original Diploma of completion of second cycle (complementary or uniform) studies or equivalent (e.g. MD or MSc diploma), or an official statement of completion of second cycle studies and the expected date of Master’s thesis defence.

in the case of the graduate of an international academic institution: an original Diploma of completion of higher education studies outside Poland or another document confirming the applicant’s successful completion of degree studies. The studies must be officially recognised as meeting the graduation standards of Polish second cycle (complementary or uniform) academic institutions (e.g. MD or MSc diploma). A certificate of equivalence to a Polish Diploma of completion is also recommended for submission in the case of recognition by nostrification





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